High Risk, High Reward One of the sayings that my fiance and I use the most is “high risk, high reward.” You wouldn’t think that a garden photoshoot would…
In the Garden
Remember when we had songs as ringtones? When did those fade away? I used to swap between a handful of 99 cent mp3 files and now it seems everyone has…
Back to Boston
Boston, MA A quick trip back to Boston reminded me how quickly I’ve forgotten what spring feels like in New England. It was already May but there were still…
Art Basel 2023
Art Basel Every year, artistic sophistication beyond my comprehension arrives…
On the Road to Smugger’s Notch
Can a road be famous? Turns out, very much yes: in fact, Smuggler’s Notch, a short stretch of the two-lane road that winds away from Stowe and into the nearby mountains…
Autumn Heaven
Like me, you’ve probably seen the pictures of Vermont in the fall and thought to yourself, “there’s no way that the colors are this vibrant. They must have filtered this…